An age old idea for a new age.


Microbes are the building blocks for life.

The key to environmentally friendly products are microbes:
bacteria, fungi, and archaea.


EcoTech makes products for all of these industries:



Waterway Management

Waterway Management

Turf and Ornamental

Turf and Ornamental

Animal Waste & Care

Animal Waste & Care

Home and Garden

Home and Garden


Balaynce-D is the best way to grow.


“I have been using Balaynce-D over the last couple of years on my customers lawns and their trees and shrubs.  I am very pleased with the results that I have gotten from this product.  The lawns and ornamentals have never looked better, and I am able to save on the amount of fertilizer used.  Yes, I would highly recommend this product!”



— Joe Carter

United Farm & Home Cooperative

Find out how
you can benefit
from Balaynce-D
